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Spiritual Collective Reading for January 11, 2022 (Excluding Sebastian)

After lighting the candle this morning for archangel Michael, these are the cards I pulled for the spiritual collective.

Do your best to try to not feel distracted and off course due to some intense possibl feelings of betrayal. Do your best to keep up your strength and vitality as best as you can with what you usually do for yourself. Possibly you are starting som kind of a new advenure of some kind. Even though the card at the bottom of the lenormand pack after I shuffled was moubtain so possibly youu might be feeling a bit stalled about something or just blocked. Do your best to keep your strength up at this time should help you be able to maneuver through it. I am prepared to type this again if I need to. Sebastian, leave me alone. This is not a reuest, it is a demand. What I usually say about myself adn this site still stands.

Spiritual collective pick a card with crystal cards. Your choices are either pile , pile 2 or pile 3. Think about which pile and then pick a pile. The energy of each of the reads will be different according to the bottom of the card of each of the piles after I shuffle. That gives the feel for the energy of the read for the person who picked that pile.

Pile 1. Some kind of healing is needed where you just need to do your best to rise above something. The card at the bottom of the pack after I shuffled was Shiva Lingam which is about vitality energy and stabalizing.
Pile 2. You might need to really work at grounding and centering your natural female energy andshielding a bit. Do your best to also keep in mind about vital energy at this time. Root chakra type stuff. It is about stability energy. The card at the bottom of this pack was also shiva lingam.
Pile 3. You just might need to work at doing your best t not keep thinking about sad things or negative things in general. You might have been doing that too much lately. The card at the bottom of the pack after I shuffled for this was Chrysocolla.It is all about tranquility, peace and uncoditional love. It is also a good stone for strengthening energy in general during times of emotional duress and illness.

As with all my readings on here, these are for the spiritual collective so please, take what resonates with you and leave what does not resoate with you. If you feel you need to look at the full note, please do cuz there is probably something you need to see.

Spiritual collective kipper card reading. Concentrate on which pile you feel most dawn to. Pile 1 is the far left. Pile 2 is the middle and pile 3 is the far right.
Pile 1, the card at the bottom of this pile was fatality so it might be about something having to do with anything relating to this on any scale.This pile has to do with a rich man that might need to have to put up with some kind of dishinesty from a man of some kind. Possible sad news about some home base issue.
At the botto of this pack as well was the same card, fatality so it could have to do with any issue involving any aspect of it. Possibly a short illness that you might be going through at the moment. There might be some sorrow about some legal things or issues. Possibly a rich man but for sure though this is more of a guy who might be going through this.
Again, for pile 3 the card at the bottom of the pack was fatality. This is about really taking care when you travel bigtime about your vitality an dprotecting it as you usually do. But, it is really cautioning about safety during travel cuz you might be going through some traveling things at the moment. Possibly you might have had some unexpected money and a good outcome recently. Possibly you might have hadsoe recognition for something but might be having to put up with some kind of defamation type thing.

As with all my readings on here, these are for the spiritual collective so please, take what resonates with you and leave what does not resonate with you. If you feel you need to look at the full note please do cuz there is probably something you need to see.

Always good to slep on saint Clare energy on the blog whenever possible for extra protective energy for metaphysical self defense.

Some folks like to try to be confusing about my site and its authorship. I am going through the posts and making sure all the titles are done a certain way so they cannot try to be confusing. An examplle is I am going thrugh the posts on here and making sure the word Reading in Spiritual Collective Reading part of each post has a capital letter cuz yeah, I think they were trying to be confusing about this cuz that is just how some of them can tend to be with that, crazy as that ssounds but, it happens. So, I am working at going through all my posts on here and making sure they all look like that so there can be absolutely no confusion about authorship or they cannot even try to twist things around to confuse folks. I have no sister, annex or affiliate readers of any kind. I always have been always will be and am the only admin, author and conetnt creator of all my blogs, sites and emails in their entirety. I am not a part odf anything other than what I frequently say. The only way to contact me is through the contact info that i give on here frequently. I am not on any social media in any way and I am not a part of anyone else’s in any way. I am not on youtube or patreon in any way and I am not a part of anyone else’s in any way. I have no sister annex or affiliate channels or people anywhere on any platform or through any person. I am not on any livestream anywhere on any platform or through any person. I am not a part of anyone else’s in any way. I have no sister, annex or affiliate live stream anywhere on any platform or through any person. The only way to contact me is through the contact info that I give on here frequently. My preferred email is always I have no sister, annex or afiliate email and I am not a part of anyting other than what I frequently say. I will list the linktree on here as well at some point today.

I gotta say that, I am looking n on other possibilities for the newsletter cuz I have come on some tech glitches about the linktree and getting that going for the newsletter. I think I found something though. I will share stuff soon as Iknow it on here only so stay tued on here only for all that info. Hopefully, I will be able to do the newsletter by full moon in Cancer time. At least I have that goal for a time which seems to be helping the progress in general. It is mercury retrogrwade pre shadow type stuff.

Spiritual collective pick a card for today working with spirit animal oracle cards. Choose the pile you feel most drawn to. Pile 1 is the far left, pile 2 is the middle and pile 3 is the far right.
Pile 1: You might be feeling the need to stand out a bit about something and be a bit showy about something but also please keep in mind that often times, peace is the best way to do things. You might also just be really on the extra pritective energy for metaphysical self defense. The card at the bottom of the pack for this is buffalo so, know that liberation is coming for you but sometimes, that liberation is in the peaceful way to go about things.
Pile 2. the card at the bottom of this pack was also buffalo. Sometimes, the best thing at the momnt is to do your best to see the beauty within you and to not try to worry so much about charming others as much as a main focus. Get out your dream ournal and take notes about any messages you might get about dreams.
Pile 3, the card at the bottom of the pack was giraffe. Somtimes, you just have to do your best to see above all angles. Do your best you can to nurture yourself at this time. Be persistent about this cuz it can come back to bite you in the arse when you least expect it and feel a bit like a curse when it was really just you ignoring things you shouldn’t ignore type of a thing.

As with all the readings I do, these are for the spiritual collective so please, take what resonates with you and leave what does ot resonate with you. If you feel you need to look at the full note, please do cuz there is probably something you need to see.

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